Naak’s next 1-2-3 Punch… a no-heartbeat to the Final 6?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

With the exit of Jace and the tally of votes last night, 6 - 4, one thing is for sure… Naak remains solid; committed to take each and every one to the Final 6. We felt it, because we saw the votes.

But is it safe for Naak to conclude that their original tribemates voted for Jace? Fact is, they really don’t know and the only positive mindset they can assume is yes, indeed, all Naak voted Jace off.

There are twisting doubtful patterns if we look back on the episodes. First, Jace tried to allure JC by tagging him as the most trustworthy in Naak – trying to bring back and reinstill their original alliance. Second, Charisse tried to bring herself closer to Naak sending feelers to conspire with the majority – add to it the possible affinity she has for Kiko. Third, Kaye being pursued by Jace. Fourth, the seemingly twisted mind of Rob thinking about the prize money this early alarmed his alliance. And fifth, Cris’ original commitment and sympathy to ‘class’-mate Marlon.


JC, Rob, Cris, Kaye and Nay Zita had their words of loyalty to Kiko and to the original tribe in general. It will be such a stupidity if someone turns his back from this majority. It’s really not about solidarity… it is a big individuality. Everyone in Naak thinks most about their sake and is just grabbing the free ticket to ride until the Final 6. Pautakan!


Marlon, stunned by the result of the votes, realized they did not get JC and Cris’ votes. Apparently, he’s already seeing the fire in his torch gone. His being 'useful' to Chalam will eventually not work at all to Naak's charm. Maybe he can now look ahead on his jury seat.


Marlon, Verns and Charisse – that could be the order of elimination in the coming 3 Tribal Councils. It can only be tweaked if and only if they win Immunity after each turns. One of them still has a chance to make it to the final 6 and cut one by one off from Naak. Say, if Marlon wins the next IC, he will be safe, Verns might go. If Marlon wins again, Charisse will go. If Marlon wins his 3rd straight, Naak will break. Same fate goes to Verns and Charisse. All they need is to snatch Immunity one after the other and save their asses. Not impossible hey!

Or the improbable and the unlikely policy that the Immunity Necklace can be passed to another...


To make the 1-2-3 punch knocked down, Naak needs to win at least one in the next 3 Immunity Challenges – a probability that they enjoy. In case any Jarakay wins 2, majority will still prevail. To prevent Jarakay from winning any IC, I’m not sure if it’s allowed but, they can simply conspire, play as a team until they remain in the final 6.